Wednesday, May 6, 2020

African American Women During The Civil War - 1137 Words

African American Women In American history there have been many truly extraordinary women. These women range from all different time periods, races and other backgrounds. Over the years women have participate or become involved in multiple different themes including: politics, midwives or physicians, inventors, literary or arts figures, feminists, suffrage or equal rights activist, wealthy women, academics, fighters- physical or metaphorical etc. This paper will exemplify three special women, all the while providing background, some life achievements and details of their last years. These women are Ida Wells, Isabella Baumfree (A.K.A Sojourner Truth) and Harriet Tubman. All African American abolitionist who fought endlessly for the civil rights owed to them as Americans, free citizens and humans. Ida Wells, a woman born a slave in Holly Springs, Mississippi, before the close of the Civil War on 16 July 1862. Some six months later Abraham Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves. Her parents, who had been slaves, were remarried again after freedom came. Her father, the son of a pastor, had been taught the carpenter’s trade, and mother was a famous cook. In 1878, at age 14 when she was visiting her grandmother in the Holly Springs suffered a yellow fever epidemic in which both her parents and her 10-month-old brother, Stanley, died of Malaria. With no one else to support her large family, so she becomes a teacher at a schoolhouse in rural Mississippi. IdaShow MoreRelatedAfrican American Women During The Civil War1227 Words   |  5 Pages †¢ Is the author s thesis clearly stated? (Restate in your own words) The exceptional rules of war that existed during the Civil War were essential. When it comes to the state of Tennessee, the early â€Å"capture† of the state was of strategically importance for the Union Army. 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